
Bloomington Dizziness and Vertigo Experts

Do you suffer from dizziness or vertigo?

Looking for a dizziness or vertigo treatment that works?
We will get to the root cause of your dizziness, so when we treat it, it will not only feel better but be less likely to return. 

That is the Drummond Difference.

Looking for home remedies for dizziness or vertigo? Scroll down for  home remedies for dizziness or vertigo. Before you try any new remedy, talk with your health care provider to verify it is appropriate for your specific condition. Hopefully that is one of our chiropractors here at Drummond Chiropractic.

We treat dizziness and vertigo 
not just through chiropractic manipulation, but by 

cranial release, 
balance therapy,
nutritional advice,
sleep support
and more.

You may be surprised to find out that your dizziness is a symptom of a nerve being pinched in your neck, otoliths built up in your inner ear, jaw dysfunction, lymphatic back up, tendonosis of an muscle, sleep disturbances, sinus issues, allergies, food sensitivities, hormone imbalance or maybe it is caused by something even more surprising. Regardless of the cause of your dizziness, we will find it with a thorough history and exam, then determine the best treatment for your specific condition, even if it means referring you out. We are more affordable than neurosurgeons, neurologists and physical therapists, so start with us, and if able, we will get you pain free as soon as possible. 

If we determine that we can help you with your dizziness or vertigo, we will perform the treatment that the same day, demonstrate home exercises and stretches you can do to speed your recovery and advise you on nutrition and herbs that may help. 

Dr. Michael McCoy and Dr. Mandi McCoy are both more than a spine specialists as chiropractors, but also dizziness specialists and vertigo specialists. They not only will work on your neck and cranium, but any issue that may be contributing to your dizziness or vertigo. Again, they can train you on home remedies, stretches, herbs, diets and therapies that will decrease the likelihood of your dizziness or vertigo returning.

We will follow up the appointment with a Report of Findings email that details what your condition is, what our treatment plan is and lists the prescribed exercises and stretches, complete with videos that you can follow along with. 

To learn more about our follow up e-mail, check out:

We offer more than dizziness and vertigo treatments.

Again, you do not have to suffer 

with dizziness or vertigo.

 We can help!

Why wait?

click here to schedule with the best chiropractor

to schedule with us.

Dizziness and Vertigo:

Vertigo is the type of dizziness in which the room seems to spin, and is very unbalancing and nauseating. The most common is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).  BPPV is caused by a buildup of debris (otoconial, from damage to otoliths). What does that mean? Where is the debris?

In healthy ears, if the head turns, the eyes will reflexively turn the opposite way, to keep your eyes on an object (without even consciously thinking about it) despite turning your head away. 

This is all done automatically.  In the inner ears, there is an organ that has three tubes filled with fluid.  The lining of these tubes have hair follicles with stones at the end of them, called Otoliths.  If the head turns or tilts, it causes the fluid to flow in the tubes, pulling on the stones (otoliths), tugging on the hairs attached to them. 

The nerves innervating these hairs in the inner ear detect this movement, sending a signal to the brain to alert it to this movement so the brain can automatically direct the eyes accordingly.

explaining otoliths and dizziness and vertigo

Sometimes the otoliths break off.  If this debris finds itself in one of the canals of the inner ear, it slows the flow of fluid in that canal.  With this obstruction, when you move your head, the affected ear sends aberrant signals to the brain. 

The slower fluid in that ear will suggest to your brain that the head is turning instead of tilting, causing the eyes to reflexively move aberrantly.  If your eyes move to the right and your head is not turning to the left, it will make the room appear to spin to the left, resulting in Vertigo.  Vertigo is when the room appears to be spinning.   

Inner ear disorders, ear infections and inflammation (from allergies) can also affect the flow of the fluid in the inner ear, causing vertigo.


 Light headedness is the type of dizziness where you feel unbalanced, because there is not enough blood flow or oxygen to the brain.  The body’s reaction is to collapse (either you sit back down rapidly or faint, so your heart doesn’t have to work hard to get oxygen blood back up to the brain).

There are multiple causes.  It could be a result of low iron levels (anemia).  Iron is what carries oxygen in the blood.  If iron levels are low, oxygen levels are low, resulting in fatigue and dizziness.

Low sugar levels also result in lower energy and dizziness.

The dizziness could be a side effect of a medication (ie blood pressure medication can lower your BP too much, causing lightheadedness)

Anxiety, overheating, and dehydration can all lead to dizzy spells as well.



If you have a different, new type of vertigo and/or dizziness or if the frequency is increasing or it is more intense than usual, resulting in fainting or vomiting, seek medical attention.  It could be a sign of a more serious condition. 

The following signs and symptoms are symptoms in which a doctor should be consulted. that you need to see a doctor about.  Seek immediate medical attention if (but not limited to):

1.     If you experience dizziness with a headache and/or facial pain.  If you can’t touch your face because the pain is so severe, you could have giant cell arteritis (inflammation of the arteries of the face) which can lead to a stroke.

2.     If the dizziness is insidious and sudden, with no warning, it could be bleeding in the brain (thunderclap headache).

3.     If you have dizziness and you don’t know your blood pressure, or if you already have high blood pressure and are on medication, it could be a sign of your blood pressure increasing or getting out of control.

Seek medical attention with any of these signs, or if you have any new type of dizziness, a more intense bout of dizziness than usual, or if your episodes of dizziness are increase in frequency, or if you have any concerns about your dizziness. 

It never hurts to ask a professional’s advice, and it may lead to an early death if you don’t.  So, how do you pick who to ask?

If you have any of the signs of a serious, potentially fatal condition, of course seek medical attention.

If you are suffering from vertigo, or unsure of what type of dizziness you have, see a chiropractor.

Chiropractors are primary care physicians who have as many years of education as a medical doctor.  It only takes months to learn how to adjust, but years to learn differential diagnosis. A  chiropractor will know when not to manipulate, when to refer a patient out, and which specialist to refer that patient to. 

It is sad to me that chiropractic is still considered by many to be alternative or somewhere to go for just neck or back pain. 

Chiropractors have more education in nutrition, anatomy, differential diagnostics, and imaging than medical doctors.  A medical doctor’s education is filled with pharmacology, which chiropractors study minimally. 

A chiropractor can help you find a way to help you feel well, without muting your symptoms with drugs.  If you are suffering from headaches and/or dizziness, they can help you determine the type of headache and/or dizziness you are suffering from, and the cause of it.   They will either treat you, and/or refer you to a different health practitioner if necessary.  Plus, they can teach you what you can do to alleviate your headaches yourself.

I look forward to a time when patients try chiropractic first to see if it can help (knowing their chiropractor will send them to a medical doctor or surgeon if they feel their condition is beyond what chiropractic can help with). 

Even if chiropractic doesn’t end up working for you, you can always fall back on the medical route.  But if you start with the medical route, especially surgery, sometimes there is no turning back. I believe if people saw their chiropractor first, it would solve a lot of  health care problems in America (both the costs of  health care and the general health of this country…) 

There is little mystery on why chiropractic works.  It’s been scientifically studied on its effectiveness and cost effectiveness for decades.  Chiropractors are more than just neck and back doctors.  I hope this encourages you to try chiropractic for your dizziness and or vertigo, if you haven’t already.

I prefer those “side effects” than that of medicine, which often lists, “can cause death.”  When you take a medicine, there is always a negative effect that sometimes ends up outweighing the benefit.

Over the last fifteen years of treating patients, I can’t tell you how many people have reported their dizziness resolving after just a few treatments.  My favorite is when their dizziness resolves after learning how to do the Epley maneuver (explained next) in the comfort of their own home.  If their dizziness returns, they don’t need to make another appointment, as they know how to treat it themselves. 

I love my job, especially when I enable people to self treat at home.

Again, you do not have to suffer 

with dizziness or vertigo.

 We can help!

Why wait?

click here to schedule with the best chiropractor

to schedule with us.


BPPV, Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, is caused by excessive debris in one of the canals of the inner ear. 

In healthy inner ears, without blockage, when you turn your head to the right, both ears agree that you are turning your head right.  If one ear is blocked, it cannot sense this motion, so your brain is told by one ear you are turning, and the other ear you are not. 

With this aberrant input, your poor brain incorrectly concludes that you must be spinning, and moves the eyes accordingly.  Since you are not spinning, when your brain reflexively move your eyes like it should if you are spinning, it makes the world look like it is spinning around you.  Hence, you experience vertigo, which is very nauseating.

The good news is this blockage can work its way out of the canal, and dump into the big sac of the inner ear.

If this debris dumps into the big sac of the inner ear, it is asymptomatic as they are no longer in the way of the pressure sensitive canal that tells us if we are moving in a direction. What does this mean? The symptoms are gone?  It should take a long time before the material finds its way into the canal again.

It may take a while for the debris to work its way out of the canal naturally.  To encourage the debris out of the canal and into the sac, Dr. Epley developed the Epley Maneuver. 

To perform this maneuver, you need a flat surface (like your bed or floor), and a pillow to lay on, so that when you lay down your head will extend back.

epley maneuver for vertigo

Or watch this video to learn the Epley Maneuver:

The fact that BPPV is caused by debris slowing the flow of fluid in one canal. Therefore, once the debris is back in the sac, you should be asymptomatic.  So, I advise people to do the Epley maneuver several times in a row, until they are no longer symptomatic. 

Often times, my patients report they no longer are dizzy after doing the Epley maneuver three times in a row, several times a day, for a couple of days. 

If they continue to be dizzy for over a week of attempting this, then I advise them to try the classical version.


So you are dizzy and looking for relief without medications.  If you have exhausted all other relief techniques (massaging, relaxing, making sure you ate well, drank your water, etc) then you may want to try herbal remedies.  Before trying any of the following remedies, seek advice from a homeopathic doctor.  They can cater a treatment regimen for your specific needs. The few I have experienced to be helpful are:

Floradix plant based iron

 This is helpful if your dizziness is a symptom of being anemic. If you are anemic, adding an iron supplement to help increase oxygen, which helps dizziness.


 This herb helps with improving circulation. If poor circulation is one of the contributing factors to your dizziness, taking feverfew may help.

Tumeric (Curcumin)

 This is a natural anti-inflammatory. If sinus inflammation is  one of the contributing factors to your dizziness, taking curcumin with black pepper (for better absorption) may help.


 Valerian Root is a natural sleep aid.  If you have difficulty sleeping, that will negatively affect your dizziness, and Valerian Root may help.  You can find it in pill form, often with Kava Kava root (a natural muscle relaxer).   Kava Kava Root helps take the edge off of any tension. 

 As with any muscle relaxer or sleep aid, you should first try it when you are not having to drive, work or do anything that you would not do while impaired.  It is best to take at night to help you relax and sleep.

INDIAN Gooseberry and Coriander Seeds

 These herbs maybe useful to combat dizziness. 

Other herbs that may help:

 Other herbs that may help with your headaches are basil, garlic, celery juice, apple cider vinegar (with local honey).  Adding these to your diet may help with your dizziness. 

To learn more about how we treat here at Drummond Chiropractic, CLICK HERE.

To go back to our home page, CLICK HERE.

Again, you do not have to suffer 

with dizziness or vertigo.

 We can help!

Why wait?

click here to schedule with the best chiropractor

to schedule with us.

Drummond Chiropractic, LLC
Dizziness Specialists
Vertigo Specialists
565 N Walnut St,
Bloomington, IN 47404
(812) 336-2423

Why Wait?

Make an appointment today!

Our Location: Drummond Chiropractic

565 North Walnut Street | Bloomington, IN 47404

Office Hours

Our Clinic Hours (all other times by appointment only)


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm



